The external academic practices constitute an activity of formative nature realised by the university students and supervised by the Universities, whose aim is to allow to the same apply and complement the knowledges purchased in his academic training, favouring the acquisition of competitions that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate his empleabilidad and boost his capacity of emprendimiento.
In accordance with the valid Study Curriculum of the Degree in Computer Engineering, the FIC organises and coordinates the realisation of practices "curriculares" and "extracurriculares" in companies and public and private institutions.
The Programme of External Practices of the FIC for the degree of Degree in Computer Engineering includes two types of practices:
The practical can be realised by students that, in the moment of the application, have surpassed 50% of the credits of the degree, including all the basic training.
The Practices "Curriculares" are included like a optional subject in the fourth course of the Study Curriculum of the Degree in Computer Engineering. The duration will be of 125 hours or 250 hours.
The FIC has agreements with entities collaborators that offer annually practices to the students.
The practice will have a professional mentor assigned by the company and by an academic mentor assigned by the FIC. To be able to realise a correct follow-up, the student will deliver to his academic mentor twice-weekly reports and a final memory. Once finalised the practice, the professional mentor will send a report.. Finally, the academic mentor will issue a report with the qualification of the student.
The Commission of Practices in Companies of the FIC has approved the procedure published in wikific
The practices "extracurriculares" are those that, even having the same ends that the practical curriculares, do not form part of the corresponding Studies Curriculum. Nevertheless they will be contemplated in the European Supplement.
They can realise like continuation of a practical curricular or through foundations and own programs of the UDC. The maximum length is of 750 hours by academic course (as long as the student do not obtain the title). His inclusion in the European Supplement to the Title has to request before 6 months of the ending of the practice.
vicedecanato.relacions.institucionais.fic [@]